Many moons ago my sister asked if I would take her portrait. I didn't consider myself a photographer, but loved taking pictures. We did the shoot and had a lot of fun. Then one night this January… she died. On a Tuesday evening in Montreal she suddenly passed away in her apartment. Gone. Just gone. In the weeks and months that followed the questions became... where are the photos? The memories? The ? I had no idea until that moment the value of a photograph. I realized no matter how stylized or no filter: to capture someone’s personality for one moment is a gift...

Heather did not like having her picture taken, and the last photos I have are from December 28th, 2011. It was a portrait session at Christmas time, with her cat Buster. At 43, her cause of death still remains a mystery, but she was here, and then she was gone. Not until her passing did I realize the gift of photography. Now I see the blessing from that moment many moons ago.


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Don’t leave the event unrecorded. It’s only a fraction of second to say, ‘Here’s who I was with.’ When I travel the world we take all these pictures and here’s one of the gifts… people send me the pictures they took of me and them… it’s part of the treasures I have on the farm. A picture is worth… a thousand words to describe the scene, the emotion, what happened… Say, ‘Wow this was an extraordinary day for me when I met these people. Here’s what they told me happened to them when they went to my seminar ten years ago.’ Wow… the drama comes back if you’ve taken the pictures.

It’s one of the treasures to leave behind when you go. Remember the old photographs we have now of 100 years ago…70… 80… years ago just a few photographs… What would it be like if you had thousands of photographs of the past? Of your history? Your mother.?  Your father?  Grandparents.

So change all of that now for your children.  Leave all your photographs as a record. - Jim Rohn